To learn more about how Toca Boca collects and processes your information, as well the options you have in managing this data, you can read our Privacy Policy by pressing here.

If you’d also like to read more about the Terms of Service when using a Toca Boca product, please visit here.

If you wish to delete your Toca ID account, then you do this by clicking the Toca ID icon on the Profile picker screen and then scrolling down to "Delete account". The account holder can then login to the account and request this process.

In addition to ths, for all companies operating within the European Union, a data protection law named GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) must be followed. As such, you always have the right to request access to your personal data that we are processing. You also have the right to ask for this data to be deleted through your right to be forgotten. 

If you or your guardian wish to exercise either of these rights, then please ask your guardian to visit our Toca Boca website and click the “Support for apps” button. From here, submit your request under “Other Toca Boca apps”.