Hey there 

We want you to know that we care about your privacy and safety while playing Toca Boca apps and using our website. The following information, details our policies with how we work with privacy and how we protect any information that you either provide us, or that we need to have in order to use our Toca Boca apps and while using our website. If there’s anything that you don’t understand or have questions about, we recommend asking your parent/guardian to read through our Privacy policy on our website and then reach out if there are any more questions.

Let’s get started! 

Imagine you’re the hero in a game adventure, exploring new worlds and unlocking secrets. Just like in any game, you have special powers, but these powers help you control your personal information (like your name, the information that your devices leave, and your favorite games) in the digital world. And remember you can always ask a parent/guardian to help you reach out to us if you want to exercise your powers.

Your Gamer Powers:

Know the Game Plan (Right to be Informed): Before you start your quest, you get a map that tells you how your adventure (information) will be used. It's like a trailer for the game so that you know some important stuff before playing. This right here is your trailer that explains what we do with your personal information.

Check Your Inventory (Right of Access): Anytime during your adventure, you can open your inventory to see all the items (information) you’ve shared with the game. It’s like checking what gear and power-ups you have.

Update Your Gear (Right to Rectification): If your in-game character has the wrong equipment or stats, you can update them. Similarly, if any info about you is wrong, you can ask to fix it, like changing your armor or weapon to the right one.

Erase Your Data (Right to Erasure): Just like you can delete a game save when you want to start over, you can ask to erase your information if you don’t want it out there anymore.

Pause the Action (Right to Restrict Processing): If you’re unsure about what the game is doing with your info, you can hit pause, stopping your data from being used until you feel safe to play again.

Switch Games (Right to Data Portability): You can take your save file (personal information) and move it to a new game, just like transferring your character to another adventure with all your progress.

Say "Game Over" (Right to Object): If you don’t like how the game is using your info, you can say "Game Over" to that part of the game, telling them to stop using your data in ways you don’t like.

Choose Your Path (Rights Related to Automated Decision Making): Instead of letting the game decide your fate with a random loot drop or an automated story choice, you can ask for a real person to make decisions, so your game adventure goes exactly how you want.

Remember, in the digital world, you’re the hero of your own story. These powers help make sure your journey is safe and fun, letting you control your personal information just like you control your in-game character. 

Your parents/guardians have rights, too and they can also help you to exercise your rights. If your parent/guardian would like to review personal information or have it deleted, they can contact us here: 



Toca Boca AB

Lumaparksvägen 13 A

120 31 Stockholm, Sweden 

What Information We Collect:

When you play our apps or visit our website, we may collect some information to make sure everything works smoothly and to keep you safe. Some of this could be information that you provide, or information that we collect automatically. This include things like:

  • That you are playing the app
  • How you play our apps
  • Your country and city
  • The type of device you use
  • Unique IDs from your device
  • Your parent’s/guardian’s email
  • Information from your profile on your parent/guardian’s Toca ID account 

How We Use Your Information:

We use the information we collect to make our apps even more fun for you! 

Here's how:

  • We look at how you play our games so we can make them better
  • We use your country and city to give you the right version of the game and so that you can read and understand the text
  • We check what type of device you use to make sure our games work on it
  • With the help of Apple we use your information to understand if the ads we have about our game reach the right people, i.e ideally the ones not playing our games already!
  • We use the information to help you if your app is not working as it should.

When helping you to figure out why your app is not working, inside the app you might chat with our helpful bot “T-bot” who will ask you a few questions. They might have a solution for you or point you in the right direction with a help article, otherwise if they can’t help you with your problem in the app you will get to chat with one of our Toca Boca human support team members. We don’t keep any personal information if you share it with T-bot. 

If you’re reaching out for help on our website, we will need to collect some basic information so we can reply to you. Quick tip - be sure to check through all our help articles as there might be some help there and then you’ll never need to send in a ticket with your information! Or you can also ask your parent/guardian to help you out with this. If you do contact us, we will use the information provided to try and help you. We will only keep your contact information for as long as necessary.

How We Collect Your Information:

Sometimes we ourselves can collect the information we need to keep creating great apps, and sometimes we need a bit of help when collecting this information. If we need help we ask our trusted helpers at Amazon Web Services, Unity, Google, AppsFlyer, Helpshift, Playfab and Saucelabs to help us out. Although we trust them, we never let them use your information for their own needs or share it with anyone else. If you or your parent/guardian would like to know more about these providers please contact us at privacy@tocaboca.com

Keeping Your Information Safe:

Again, your privacy and safety are super important to us! Because of this, we have some special rules in place to make sure your information stays safe:

  • We don't share your personal information with anyone outside of Toca Boca
  • We make sure our apps and website are safe for you to use
  • We sometimes ask your parents for permission to set up an account for you and help us if we need to use your information for anything new

For How Long Do We Keep Your Information:

We keep your information as long as we need it so that you can play the app. If you haven't played with our apps in two years we will remove your account and data.

If you do contact us, we will only keep your information for as long as necessary to help you.


If you have any questions about your privacy or anything else, you can ask your parents/guardians to contact us at privacy@tocaboca.com or our physical address 

Toca Boca AB

Lumaparksvägen 13 A

120 31 Stockholm, Sweden 

Kids Privacy Assured by PRIVO: COPPA Safe Harbor Certification

Toca Boca is a member of the PRIVO Kids Privacy Assured COPPA Safe Harbor Certification Program (“the Program”). The Program certification applies to the digital properties listed on the validation page that is viewable by clicking on the PRIVO Seal. PRIVO is an independent, third-party organization committed to safeguarding children’s personal data collected online. The PRIVO COPPA certification Seal posted on this page indicates that Toca Boca has established COPPA compliant privacy practices and has agreed to submit to PRIVO’s oversight and consumer dispute resolution process. If you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at 1-800-622-8339 or privacy@Tocaboca.com. If you have further concerns after you have contacted us, you can contact PRIVO directly at privacy@privo.com.

Game on, and keep your data safe!