This article is intended for Amazon devices that use the Amazon Appstore. If you're not using an Amazon device, then click one of the following links for your platform:



We're super happy that you want to make a purchase in the app 🥳 but unfortunately sometimes things can go wrong and we know that can be pretty annoying 🤨 (communication between different servers, the internet in general e.t.c).

Hopefully some of the following tips will help, but if not please read the bottom of the page for instructions on how to reach out and what information we would need.


I purchased an item but didn't receive it

If you've made a purchase and it looks like it was successful but nothing is built or showing up, then try the following:

  • First, try rebooting the app, quite often that can help! 
    (Remember also, Home Designer homes need to be manually built in the Home Designer district and with furniture-only packs all the furniture is found in the Home Designer menu)


  • Go to Settings on your device, go to the Apps section and find “Amazon App Store” and “Toca Boca World” apps, with each app find the option to "Clear Cache". Restart the app and your purchase should show up. 

With certain payment methods it can take some time for the purchase to be approved and content to show in the app. If you’ve not received the content after 24 hours and tried the steps above with clearing cache then read the bottom of the page for instructions on how to reach out to our support team and what information they would need. 

I'm unable to make a purchase

If you're unable to make a purchase with the purchase method setup in your Amazon Appstore, then please visit the link below to see what methods are available in your region.

Sometimes it's worthwhile giving it some time or trying another purchase method, however, if the above resource didn't help and/or you are getting an error message then try the following:

  • Are you able to check the settings with your app to make sure that the store is not disabled? To check this, press the cogwheel button on the top right corner in the main menu.  

  • Also, you might want to make sure that in-app purchases are not disabled with your app store settings and that there are no other parental settings in place which could affect the attempted purchase.

1. Launch the Amazon Appstore app.

2. Select Account and then tap Settings.

3. Select In-App Purchasing, and then switch the option to “On”.

For further information on Parent Purchase Approvals on Amazon.

As well as how to access Parental Controls on Amazon.

  • Logging out and back to your Amazon account could help to solve this issue.
  • Also make sure to update Toca Boca World and your operating system to the latest version.

  • If that doesn't help you might want to see if you can make the purchase on another network/internet connection? Sometimes you could be trying during a really busy time when lots of other people are attempting a purchase, so you might want to wait and try again later. 

If you can't enter the shop to make a purchase then please follow the instructions in this article.


I still need help. What can I do?

If you're still stuck, then please click "Contact us" below and provide us with the information requested so we can investigate further 🔍

  • The device model you are using 
  • The operating system that is running on your device
  • The version of the app you are running
  • A screenshot of any error messages popping up
  • Purchase method you are using
  • Your device ID. To find out what your device ID is:
    Open Toca Boca World, tap on the logo (the globe on the app's start screen) five times and a bunch of numbers will show up. Take a screenshot of it and send it to us.