We've recently found that the wicker basket with the tea set included in Sugar Pink will cause any location it's placed in to crash when entering. Additionally, placing this item in the hands of a character will cause this issue to occur with all locations. 

We're working hard on an update which will include a fix for this issue. In the meantime, we recommend all players to avoid using this item. 

If you've already found that your game is crashing and believe you may have used this item, we recommend the following:

  • If only one Home Designer location is crashing, delete and rebuild the house. 
  • If all locations are crashing, press the red reset button in the main menu. This will reset your progress, i.e. placement of items, but should fix this corruption. Your gifts and characters will also remain. 

We apologize as we understand just how frustrating issues like these are. But hopefully the above will get you by as we work on a fix!